Collosnon Empire
Description: Realm of the Yarglat horsetribes and their subject peoples.
Capital: Gendormargensis, ruling city of Tameran.
Ruler: the Lord Emperor Khmar, a warrior of ferae naturae.
Religion: no state religion, though the horse cult of Noth is powerful amongst the Yarglat.
Language: Eparget (the ruling Yarglat dialect); Ordhar (the command language of the armies); sundry minor tongues.
History: like most important imperial histories, a tale of blood and ashes; the dominant theme is conquest.
The Wizards and The Warriors
pg. 120
Past rulers include Khmar, Onosh Gulkan, Guest Gulkan, Dobdask, Henza and Yeldanov Ax.
The Collosnon Empire rules over Tameran.
A large empire located north of the continent of Argan, in Tameran. It is the realm of the Yarglat horsetribes and their subjected peoples, ruled by the Lord Emperor Khmar, a warrior ferea naturea. They have no state religion, but the horse cult of Noth is powerful amongst the Yarglat. The ruling Yarglat speak Eparget, their armies speak the command language of Ordhar and other minor tongues are spoken among the populace. Their history is a tale of blood and ashes, having conquered all of Tameran. The Yarglat rule from their capital city of Gendormargensis.
Category: geography
Tags: geography